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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Referendum & governance may not be the sides of same coin

See, I don’t want to sound like a spoilsport, you know!

People of our great nation are thinking that there is something really revolutionary thing happening, now. And we are fortunate to witness it!

I am talking about the promise & the potential of the prospect of Aam Adami Party (AAP) winning many constituencies in elections 2013 and possibly be kingmaker (if not the king). Along with many regional players, you never know, they may well be in position to form the central government.

This might sound farfetched with a tinge of wishful thinking to some. But if you go by what popular media say; this could be the reality.

Now if we go to the most important issue of – governance – things are not up-to the mark. (My individual and humble opinion, I know, nobody cares.)

Look I also think positively about AAP, but when you get to know what they think about the national & most significant issues – it is slightly disgusting and worrisome.

The most important thing for a nation is – ‘internal & external security’. Sovereignty – territorial and otherwise – is the most basic thing to survive.

And if we hear clearly what certain founding member of AAP & lawyer Mr. Bhushan thinks, we need to think a little more seriously. His instant solution to almost anything is – referendum! So what is the solution to the most dangerous threat – the naxalists? Simple, take referendums – if the government wants to act on it – ask the tribals.

If there is any untoward incident escalating to war in J & K area – take referendum and study the mass opinion. Just think for a moment – if this eminent person does become defense minister, and there is war like situation (Pak & their most loyal friend China are doing so many things at the borders, already from last few years), will there be a referendum as to should we go to war? And who will send the vote – yes, no, may be (SMS!) – Our soldiers or the army, navy of air force?

AAP came to power in Delhi, with the help from referendum. I am not sure if all 100 % people of Delhi sent them a ‘yes’ SMS. However the fact remains, the very people they fought on the issue of corruption – the congress – AAP govt. is surviving on their support!!

Moreover what is the position and detailed vision of AAP on various issues – rural problems, the agriculture, transport, the atomic power, FDI, and the economy? That list is endless. We are not sure. (I understand – the AAP sympathizers will say they are so new, give them time. However it is still worrisome. They are giving ‘free’ things, ordered no FDI in Delhi. Their law minister has credibility issues. They have stopped Janata durbar.)   

Referendum, in itself is noble idea, but the judicious use is warranted. Real governance is far more complex.

And that too, governance of a continent size democracy, with the rural-urban divide, and the kind of diversities we have – it would require that kind of vision & stability.