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Monday, February 12, 2018

Newspapers Are The First Rough Draft Of History

OK, first of all, a confession (no crime, but…) – I do read at least 7-8 (English & Marathi) newspapers in a day. There was a challenge to tell something that supposedly nobody knows about you and I told this fact to the participating group of friends.

The reactions were hilarious. One friend commented with a tinge of sarcasm, “why so many? Don’t you understand in a single newspaper/ single reading?” Some others expressed their dismay on my ‘extravagance, money squandering ways’.

I mean - let’s leave these learned folks to their devices. I will not change, here. The reading habit too old to be changed now!       

The fact is I like reading newspapers and I like to have different points of view, understand various opinions and read about current affairs, international politics & relations, and other news such as business news.

You might wonder why am I writing this? What is the need to assert my liking for reading? Why now? And other such queries.

OK – nothing earth-shattering reason, as such.

I just watched a piece of cinematic excellence called ‘The Post’. Essential details – three of the best movie creators/ collaborators – Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, and Meryl Streep – not in any particular order. Not to forget the entire team.   

The Post shows a true story of The Washington Post journalists and their serious efforts to publish the Pentagon Papers and stark reality of Vietnam war.

The result is simply awesome.

I don’t really get enthused/ bothered by any movies be it English or the rich content Marathi movies. But this one ‘The Post’ is exceptional – my personal opinion.

The newspapers are mentioned in derogatory terms by many – like they will be ‘raddi’ (trash) next day, they are full of unnecessary stuff, and other such indignation.

However, I believe they are much more than a source of inspiration. I, on an individual level, still have confidence in print medium/ newspapers – the usual rant that ‘print is on a terminal decline’ – notwithstanding.

Fact check: The Audit Bureau of Circulations claims that the average number of copies of print media publications in India went up by 2.37 crore between 2006 and 2016.

Lastly, I think I tend to agree with that famous line in the movie ‘newspapers are the first rough draft of history’!  or some such to that effect.

Postscript: Apologies, in advance! If someone was hoping for a movie review & a star rating, here. I am not a film critic, celebrated or otherwise.😊