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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Watching the 'decay'

It is interesting and disgusting at the same time. And people earn handsome money in crores! I am referring to integral part of our life - Television - or Idiot Box!

I read somewhere that society ultimately gets kind of governance & entertainment, it deserves. Sometimes I wonder this is true.

It is obnoxious to see new edition of 'big boss', so say the least. What is on offer? Whatever happens in that house for over three months. Who are there in the house? You name it we have it!

A lawyer who worked for lone terrorist ajmal kasab, a super robber, a bandit queen, a small time flop actor, all these along with some supposedly decent guys! Whoever is the brain behind this line-up would get a pat on the back. They are concerned with TRP ratings and hence money generated in form of advertisements.

It is quite amazing, the way TV has evolved from those Doordarshan days to now hundreds of channels. There are technological advances. So many shows, news, serials & sundry dull programmes are on offer. There are dedicated channels for education & knowledge, I doubt anyone really see those.

On the flip side though, increase in use of remote control is increased! People generally do not spend more time watching a show for long. Children become inclined towards consumption of junk food, as there is a lot of promotion on the television, and there is obesity to deal with right from teen-age!  

Spending too many hours on television, eats up the valuable time that can rather be used up in productive and healthy activities like exercise & reading. But that is so old-fashioned!