Sometimes the conditions are such that the very meaning of
the labels & terms need a scrutiny. One such term doing the rounds
currently is ‘juvenile’.
The dictionary meaning of this word is ‘physiologically
immature or undeveloped’. In legal parlance juvenile laws are – “An area of the
law that deals with the actions and well-being of persons who are not yet
However what happened in Dec. last year 2012 in the Delhi
rape case was extremely horrific. Now the punishment of three years is awarded
to one of accused, apparently a juvenile.
Now the question remains if that guy who brutally raped and
tried to kill – is he a juvenile just because he is a few months short to complete
– the legally adult age?
And there are so many rape cases in which the so called
juveniles are actively involved. The latest incidence of gang rape in Mumbai
and participation of another juvenile in the crime, throws light on the need to re-asses the meaning of the word if you consider the horrific crimes by these young ones.
And mind you it is not only the rape cases. The data from
Maharashtra Government released recently tells a stark reality.
There are as many as 893 rape cases in last ten years in the
state. In last one year, there are 90 rape cases, 117 filed cases of murders
and 128 attempts to murder by young children!
If the prosecution & punishment is considered the facts
tell a deplorable story. Depending on the nature of crime 14 % are let off
after warnings. 15% of the offenders are sent to remand home for improvement.
And a high number of 32% are let off if their parents take surety of good
However taking in to account the kind of criminal offences
like a ruthless rape warrants a re-look at what is really the meaning of
‘juvenile’. The existing laws or the laws that are eternally in the making
should be made ‘faster to execute and extremely stringent’.
Then only there
would be some deterrent.
P. S. Going by the
current definition of juvenile – aren't the recent cases of the young boys
getting injured in the Janmashtami/ Dahihandi in Maharashtra – the cases of
child labor?